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Q: What does grinding sound like?
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What sound does it make when rotors are bad?

If your roots are bad they produce a sound of squeaking, squealing, or grinding.

What makes grinding noise when turning?

not sure sound like it comes from front suspension

What sound would a faulty wheel bearing make?

scraping sweeking grinding clicking sounds like something is grinding will be most apparent when turning

Grinding sound in a 1996 Bonneville?

depends on where the grinding id coming from

Why does your lawn mower engine sound like it is grinding when You turn it over?

because it is trying to ignight the gasoline the grinding is the spark plug sparking because it is trying to ignight the gasoline the grinding is the spark plug sparking

What would cause a grinding sound under hood when in drive but sitting still?

A bad transmission. The sound is from metal grinding on eachother.

Why does your car make an awful grinding sound when you turn especially to the right and vibrates slightly when stopped?

The "awful grinding sound" might be a problem with your power steering

What sounds does low power steering fluid make?

Sort of a weird gurgling/grinding sound >_< like "errrrrr" lol

Why is my 1986 Ford F-150 is making a funny grinding sound you can feel it in the floor boards on your feet what is it?

sound like a problem with drive shaft if you feel it on floor

What sound does a car make when the bearings are going bad?

Usually it'll be a grinding sound.

What is a high pitch grinding sound that last for a second is that the coil?

It sounds more like you are hitting the starter again after the engine is running.

What would make a grinding like a metal to metal sound when you turn your wheel mostly to the right?

Could be a bad wheel bearing.