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Halal means that the food is kosher. I would know since i am apart of the Islamic religion (i am a Muslim). For example, if it is any candy, it does not have any pork or any part of a pig in it. Chickens are another example, they slay them by hand (fast) from the neck and say god's name while doing it (Allah). Same thing for all animals. They also let all the blood drain out of the animals body before eating it. I think that it is cruel what they do to animals now. For cows they put on caps/ hats on their heads and they put electricity through their body until they die. Muslims don't make the animals suffer which is why we do it fast.

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Q: What does halal mean in relation to food for the Islamic religion?
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Ostrich meat is halal?

According to the site: Islamic food and drink which is found here: . Ostrich meat is Halal.

Do koch food produce hallal chicken?

halal chicken ,is chicken been raised fed sloughter according to islamic food law,if all these requirment met then it is halal onl.

What is the use of Halal Certification ?

Halal Certification shows an organization’s/food supplier’s responsibility in providing safe, healthy Halal food to its customers. It ensures the food served is halal and also it is prepared in accordance with Islamic law requirements. It boosts customers’ confidence in your food products and as well as in the food processing system.The Halal Certification in Brazil is a declaration of the producers/retailers to the customers to preparing and serving safe, high-quality Halal foods. For detailed discussion contact us at +91 9962590571

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Is marmot halal or haram?

When it comes to meat, it depends on how the animal was slaughtered. So if the marmot was slaughtered according to Islamic dietary law (Zabihah) then it would be considered Halal or a permitted food.

Is all halal food also kosher?

Yes it is. Now there is a distinction between what is Halal (permitted) and what is Thabeeha (Islamic slaughtering of meat which has certain specific requirements that may not be done in Kosher slaughtering). But permitted would be anything that is truly Kosher.

How to decide halal and haram status of food?

Determining the halal (permissible) or haram (forbidden) status of food in Islam involves following specific guidelines outlined in Islamic dietary laws. Here are the general steps to decide the halal or haram status of food: Check the Source:Verify the source of the food. Halal food should come from animals that have been slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines. Also, check if the food contains any forbidden substances such as alcohol or pork derivatives. Look for Certification: Look for halal certification labels from reputable halal certification authorities. These labels ensure that the food has been prepared and processed according to Islamic principles. Avoid Ambiguous Ingredients: Be cautious of ambiguous or unknown ingredients. If you are unsure about a specific ingredient, it's better to avoid it or research its halal status. Avoid Cross-Contamination: Ensure that halal food is not prepared, cooked, or served using utensils or surfaces that have come into contact with non-halal substances, especially pork and alcohol. Understand Food Additives:Learn about common food additives and their halal or haram status. Some additives might be derived from non-halal sources. Avoid Prohibited Animals: Avoid consuming animals that are explicitly prohibited in Islam, such as pigs and birds of prey. Educate Yourself: Educate yourself about Islamic dietary laws and consult with knowledgeable individuals, scholars, or Islamic organizations if you have specific questions about the halal status of certain foods. Read Labels: Read food labels carefully. Manufacturers often indicate whether their products are halal or contain halal ingredients. Avoid Alcohol: Avoid food and drinks that contain alcohol. Consuming alcohol in any form is strictly prohibited in Islam. Pray and Seek Guidance: Before consuming a food item you are unsure about, pray for guidance and make a decision that aligns with your beliefs and values. It's essential to be vigilant and make informed choices regarding the food you consume, ensuring it aligns with Islamic dietary laws and your personal convictions. When in doubt, it's best to consult with a knowledgeable religious authority for clarification.

Are takis haram?

Per Islam religion, Takis are halal (allowed) if made from halal (allowed) food. see related question below on what food that allowed for Muslims to eat per religion.

What is el hal food?

Halal food is food that is allowed under Islamic dietary guidelines. You cannot consume meat from animals that were dead prior to slaughter and the consumption of pork and alcohol is forbidden.

What does the word HALAL means in Sikhism?

Halal is an Arabic word and refers to what is legal and permissible according to Islamic law. Often thought, incorrectly by westerners, to refer to food only. Though Sikhs may have dietary restrictions it would not be referred to as halal (permitted) or haraam (prohibited)

What religion uses the term 'kosher' to apply to food that may be eaten?

Jews and Muslims if Halal meat is not available