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As stated, it really doesn't mean anything. It is a person asking if they would die for you. If the statement was I would take a bullet for you then it would be them stating how much they cared about you. Most likely an over statement, but still expressing their love for you. They could be wanting you to tell them that you know how much they love you without them having to say it. Asking you the question so that you will answer for them.

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Q: What does it mean Would I take a bullet for you?
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If a bullet was fired down through the earth's atmosphere how long would it take and how fast would it be?

That would depend on the mass of the bullet, the bullet's velocity when it left the barrel of the gun, and from how high up the bullet was fired from.

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cuz he's a G B-)

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You open access and take the jammed bullet out. Or if access doesn't open take the clip out then take the jammed bullet out.

What is the Firearm device containing bullet called?

Pistol, revolver, rifle, gun. If you mean the device which holds rounds of ammunition, that would be a magazine. If you mean the parts of a firearms "round" you have 4 parts. Primer,casing,powder,bullet.

Does Adobe After Effects have The Bullet?

If you mean Video Copilot's 'The Bullet', then no, it is sold separately.

What do you mean by 32mm in a pistol?

I think you mean .32 caliber, not mm. It means that the gun fires a bullet that is about 32/100ths of an inch in diameter. A 9mm fires a bullet 9mm in diameter- or about .35 inches in diameter. A 32 mm bullet would be about the size of big (D cell) flashlight battery!

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Secret service agents are trained to take a bullet for the President if necessary.

What kind of measurement do you need to take a photograph of a speeding bullet?

It's not a measurement- it's a high speed camera.Indirect MeasurementActually, it is a measurement to catch a photogragh of a bullet. It would be direct measurement to be precise.

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Take them to the vet.

Are German sheperds the bravest dogs?

They're very brave animals, would happily take a bullet for their beloved owner.

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bullet ant

Take That - how did they get their name?

From an old style bullet