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He could be playful and like you. Or he could be doing it to look cooler. Or he could be doing it to see what you would do. Simply I would snap back in his face or walk away if you don't like it. You're allowed to have an opinion you know.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy always snaps in your face?
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This is a tongue twister. And no.

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It means she only likes another guy's face!

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that means that they like being around that guy. it does not always mean that they like the guy but it could mean that they like to hang out with the girl. that means that they like being around that guy. it does not always mean that they like the guy but it could mean that they like to hang out with the girl.

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I think it means he scared to ask you face to face. true dat !

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He likes you!!

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I think you should do it face to face. It is always better, maybe a little more nerve racking, but better. It will be appreciated more.

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If a guy says that you are always in his heart, it means that he loves you, and will never forget you. Lari_xox_173