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Q: What does it mean if there is a cyst in the thyroid?
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What is a colloid cyst in the thyroid?

From what I know, nothing. They are usually benign when biopsied and can be removed if the thyroid colloid cyst grows so large (unusual) that it impairs swallowing or breathing. If you have other nodules that are malignant, they would probably take out the colloid cyst because there is a small change it could be malignant as well. Usually they don't make a big deal of thyroid cysts with colloid cells when I'm at the hospital.

What does it mean to have a cyst on the right pole of thyroid?

When there's an overgrowth of normal thyroid tissues, this is commonly referred to as a thyroid adenoma. The Mayo Clinic says it's not clear why a thyroid adenoma occurs but it is a type of growth that isn't cancerous. Thyroid adenomas sometimes form as a result of degenerated cysts, or fluid-filled cavities, in the thyroid.

Is having an irregular heartbeat enlarged thyroid and an ovarian cyst bad?

No. It is a sgin of extrene gertilitie!

Sarcoidosis could it cause ovarian cyst?

I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis in August 2009. I have numerous ovarian cyst and a complex nabothian cyst. I asked the Sarcoid specialist if there was a connection between the two and he clearly told me No. The doctors in my opinion do not know enough about Sarcoid to give a definitive answer of No...... I also have numerous cyst on my thyroid gland

What is a right upper pole thyroid nodule?

WHAT IS Complex right upper pole 3.6 cm cyst with solid nodules?

What doe sit mean to have an enlarged thyroid?

An enlarged thyroid could mean a number of things. The actual term means that the thyroid gland, which controls most hormones in your body, has been enlarged. This could mean the possibility of thyroid disease, or possibly even thyroid cancer.

What does it mean when your thyroid is dying?

you can get sick from not taking your thyroid medicine but you cant die from it.

What does thyroid gland is homogeneous mean?

Definition of grossly homogenous thyroid gland

What is a low thyroid?

The thyroid is a gland which produces hormones. Low thyroid would mean that your thyroid is not functioning as it should. There are a few medicines that you can take to correct the situation.

How do you spell cist?

if you mean of the body itis cyst

If my thyroid thyroxine T4 free blood results are dropping what does this mean?

If my thyroid T4 free blood results are dropping what does this mean?

Does 32.6 mch in blood levels mean thyroid problems?

No; take a look at your thyroid testing results to talk about thyroid problems, not your CBC.