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This is a disorder called pica. It involves strong cravings for non-food items, such as:

  • Dirt, clay
  • Paint chips, plaster, chalk
  • Cornstarch, laundry starch, baking soda
  • Coffee grounds
  • Cigarette ashes, burnt match heads
  • Rust

Pica is usually found in people will mineral deficiencies. In some cases it is a psychiatric disorder.

See the Related Question links to the right, and please see your doctor. This can be dangerous.

AnswerI don't think you are crazy if you eat flour. Because some of the food we eat know has flour in it. AnswerEating uncooked flour can also get you a case of worms or other intestional parasites. AnswerOh yeah, the weevils in the flour. Lovely isn't it.

I eat the heads of spent matches sometimes. I have a gas stove and each time I light it with a match(always, can't work out those gas lighters)I eat the head.

Charming I know, although I'm not perturbed by it really.

I just started taking a product called "WYLD for Women". It contains b vitamins, iron and Siberian and Korean ginseng and a few other things. I've found it great.

I'm a women and a vegetarian(doesn't mean I have a super healhthy diet) who doesn't really like tofu.

I had been having rather bad back and neck strain and pain. I always had tension in my body. Every morning I woke up sore. Since taking this supplement the pain and discomfort has gone. It was all muscular. I thought I was becoming the hunchback of Notre Dame.

Quite amazing. Well not really I knew I was deficent in a lot of key nutrients. I read that lack of iron can also cause excessive production of or over oxidation of lactic acid(something like that). Lactic acid being the thing that makes you feel sore after exercise. I think that was my problem.

Literally the day after I started taking the supplement I didn't feel the muscle fatigue and pain. Great, I'm now going to get some spirulina.

i think its like a drug in some what why which makes the brain crave for more and more and more like smoking and probz really hard to break lose off it they really should invent a medicine to stop things like tht and caffeine

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Q: What does it mean if you crave flour and eat it once in a while?
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then you are not a vegetarian you are a carnivore because you eat meat even if it is once in a while no matter what you are not a vegetarian

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well it means that you're not a vegetarian since you eat meat, like the question says what does it mean when you're a vegetarian but yet you eat meat once in a while that mean you are not a vegetarian you are just a person who eats meat once in a while like i do. for example i don't like eating meat but i do once in a while for the protean and the nutrition's.

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De vez en cuando

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Once in a while! I'm nine and I know that!

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It means that he is fond of you! It means that he is fond of you!

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Is it every once in a while or every once and a while?

The correct phrase is "every once in a while." It means occasionally or from time to time.