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The uterus has 3 layers: Endometrium. This is the inner lining. It is shed during your period.

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Q: What does it mean if you have bleeding but no lining of the uterus sheds?
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What does it mean when you miss your period and bleed brown?

Menstruation is when the uterus lining sheds, this shows as bleeding from your vagina - if you're bleeding then you are likely menstruating. Brown flow simply means that your period is light, it's taking time to leave the body so going brown and mixing with discharge.

What does it mean if your period blood is bright red in colour?

That is new blood and it comes from your uterus where the lining of the uterus has been shed to make room for another one. It's a like a sore bleeding so it's normal.

What does it mean when an egg implants the lining of the uterus?

Pregnancy occurred.

What does premenstrual shedding mean?

its when u shed the lining of the uterus.

What does it mean to implantation?

It is when the fertilised egg implants itself in the lining of the uterus

What is endometium?

I think you may mean endometRium. If so, it's the lining of the uterus.

Can you get your period and then implantation bleeding and be pregnant?

Yes, especially if you are having short cycles. By implantation bleeding, I'm thinking you mean implantation of a fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus. In any case, any time you have unprotected sex you run the risk of becoming pregnant.

What does spotting before your period mean?

Spotting before your period is just very light menstrual flow, it's the process of the uterus lining shedding starting - once it gets under way the bleeding becomes heavier.

What does implantation of the egg mean?

Implantation means that the egg inbeds itself into the blood lining of the uterus.

What does it mean if your uterus lining is thick but you are not pregnant?

Premenstrually the lining thickens and is later shed if there is no fertilized egg to implant into the lining. A hormonal imbalance, infection or endometriosis can all cause a thickening of the lining, irregularly during your cycle.

What is meant by the term implantation and where does it occur?

When the sperm has met the egg, the egg journeys through the fallopian tubes, where it travels down into the uterus. Once it arrives into the uterus, it clings onto the walls, and tries to "implant" itself into the uterine lining. This is what is known as Implantation. Implantation happens 5 to 9 days after conception. Once the egg has successfully implanted itself, the lining of the uterus sheds some blood. The blood travels down and presents itself 7 to 10 days after implantation. This is called implantation bleeding. By the time this spotting of blood reaches the outside, it has become "old" and thus looks black, brown, or dark red. Not all women have implantation bleeding. Not having it does not necessarily mean your pregnancy is doomed or that you did not conceive that cycle. Most who experience this bleeding, naturally assume it is their period visiting days earlier than scheduled. Other than the light spotting, there are no other symptoms for implantation or implantation bleeding. Hope that helped, I just copied it from another answer.

What does it mean when you get your period then it goes away and comes back?

If it happens over the course of a couple days, is really light and pink or brown, and then stops, you could be pregnant and experiencing "implantation bleeding." This happens when the baby is forming and has successfully attached to the lining of the uterus.