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He obviously liked being friends and decided being in a relationship just didn't feel right

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Q: What does it mean if your ex dumps you then asks if you want to be friends?
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What does it mean if a boy asks if you like him?

It May Be That He Is Getting Mocked By His Friends Or He May Want To Go Out With You Either Way Be Honest But Don't Be To MEAN!

When a girl dumps you and asks if you can still be friends and you start acting like best friends a couple of days after the break up what does this mean?

Pretty much you guys still like each other,but you guys dont know what to do ,so you guys just stay as "best friends". Well it could just mean that she's trying to show you that being friends is all your doing. Don't try to make a move on her, unless she does and you both want to or something. But, if you don't like her anymore, you can tell her this nicely and still be friends.

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Then you have to choose between doing what you want, or doing what your friends want.

What does ''Is she ever in the dumps'' mean?

That they're getting annoyed of her and want her to stay away.

What if you want to go to a dance with your friends but a boy asks you?

go with your friends and have fun, but save him a dane tho

If a man asks you out that you really care for but you change your mind and decide you just want to be friends but he does not want to have anything to do with you anymore what does that mean?

It means he is now looking for a more serious person to get involved with.

If a guy you like asks one of his friends about the situation between you and another guy what does it mean?

It means that the guy is really in to u , he might want to ask u out

What does it mean when one asks to add me on social networking sites?

When one asks to add you on social networking sites it means they want to add you to their friends list so they can remain in contact. This can be done on Twitter, Facebook and Myspace.

When a woman asks if you want to kiss her and when what does that mean?

she has a feeling for you

What does it mean when someone asks for sanctuary?

they want food

If an employer asks how your friends would describe you, what does he or she really want to know?

if you can get along with co-workers

What if your friend asks you out?

Well, if you like like them, then accept. But, if you just want to stay friends, say so!