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that he wants to be your valentine or knows u feel lonely and just wants to be there for you

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Q: What does it mean if your guy friend you met a few months ago texts you on Valentines Day that sorry I cant see you today?
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What does it mean if your guy friend whos not close to you texts you on Valentines Day out of nowhere that sorry I cant see you today?

Maybe he likes you, but don't take it too far because he might just be saying that for his reasons.

If your friend texts your crush asking if he likes you and he changes the subject and starts swearing Can that mean he likes me?

um NooOooo? he donsnt... sorry! :S:S xox

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Text her back.

How do you tell a close friend your sorry for cursing at them?

Girl: Try to get them on their own and give them a hug and say sorry as many times as you feel is necesarry. If they don't forgive you then be nice to them, send them texts and emails or just talk to them. Be nice Boys: As I am not a boy I don't know what you should do if this happens!

How do you make up with a friend you fought with?

well, if its you the one that started not talking to her just start talking to her again and if she doesn't want or she ignores you just tell her sorry. another thing you could do is not doing what they didn't like or appreciate.Compliment them and be nice send them texts and e-mails saying im so so sorry a million times and explain that you can't be without them as a friend.

How can you tell if your guy friend that texts you likes you?

When he invites you to go somewhere alone.

My friend is a boy but not a boy friend and hes been avioding me latley he hasn't been replying to my calls and texts is he trying to push me away as a friend or does he consider me more than a friend?

no, i don't think he thinks of you as more than a friend - if that would have been the case, he would have taken every step to ensure that your texts do not go unanswered.

What to do if you accidentally text a stranger who texts you back?

Just say, "oops, wrong number, sorry!"

What does it mean to ease off on texts and emails with a friend?

You are being a pest and becoming annoying.

How can one get their friend away from their super controlling boyfriend?

first take your friends phone and change your name in her phone and change it to a random guy's name, and send them to her when she is with her controlling bf, but send creepy texts to her :) that way he will see the texts and he will freak out, and break up with her, and she will be free. however if he is the dangerous kind of controlling, then sorry about your luck, i got nothing.....CALL THE COPS!!!!! duhhhh

Does it cost if your friend texts you from Yahoo?

no,if u hav a free intrnet connection in ur mobile

What to do if a girl you like won't answer your texts and won't talk to you?

Sorry honey, but she's obviously not interested. Get over her and move on.