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Q: What does it mean if your sicmen is different color?
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Does hair color mean anything?

well no everyone have different color so no anything

What does color taste like?

You can't taste color...... yet, but different colors on different types of foods may mean that they have different nutrition things in them.

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The color they are does not always mean that they are from different parents.

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Chrom" can refer to different things, including a character in Fire Emblem or Color

What do dreams mean when they are in color?

I don't know. All of my dreams are in color so maybe everyone's dreams are different and don't mean anything special.

What does the different fur color of each wolf on Twilight mean?

there is not specific meaning for the color of their fur. just individuality

What do it mean if a dog has two different color eyes?

Nothing. There are no health effects. It is only different in appearance.

How many different types of eggs are there?

If you mean in color - there are white and brown. If you mean breed ,then there are many,about 50-60 different types of chickens who produce different eggs.

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When someone says that color is a loud yellow it means that it is a bright yellow. It can mean a lot of different things.

What do the color of the rings mean?

They are the colours of the different common wealth countries, i think

What does the different color jersey mean in volleyball?

They can't hit it over the net

What does it mean when a man give you agroup of different color roses?

He loves u