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Jesus was raised from the dead once. The 'again' enters the picture through the original Greek word "ἀναστήσας." 'ἀνα' can be translated as 'to, up, back, anew.' Also, Wycliffe used the word aȝenreisid (again-raised) for 'resurrected.' ('Resurrected' itself has 're' in it which connotes 'again.') It is from the 'anew' variation and the Wycliffe contribution that Tyndale derived 'again.' The editors of the King James Bible subsequently borrowed it. It's not so much that Jesus raised again a second time, as that He returned to life - a new, resurrected life - and thus was alive - again.

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Q: What does it mean in Acts chapter 13 verse 33 when it refers to Jesus being raised again - when was the first time?
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Who other than Jesus raised people from the dead?

NO The Bible records a number of instances where people were raised to life. 1. Elijah raised to life the son of the widow who helped feed him during the famine. 2. The prophet Elisha raised the son of the Shunamite woman who had died. 3. Jesus raised the son of the widow at Nain. 4. Jesus raised Lazarus after his being dead for over three days. 5. Jesus raised Jairus' daughter. 6. Peter raised Dorcas from the dead. 7. Paul brought Eutychus back to life. All of these were witnessed by people other than those directly involved -particularly the New Testament ones (numbers 3-7). The New Testament ones were particularly public. The son of the widow at Nain was raised out of the coffin during the funeral procession. Many Jews had seen Lazarus buried and also saw him raised four days later. In relation to Lazarus, it is specifically mentioned that many people followed Jesus as a result of this miracle, so that Lazarus himself became a potential 'assassination target' for the jealous Jewish leaders. The difference between Jesus' rising from the dead and all the others is that there was no external human agent in Jesus' rising, and also in the fact that Jesus, unlike all the others, did not die again. Even further, Jesus predicted His own rising, while the others didn't. Jesus thus had power over death itself while the others needed to be raised by the power of God through either a prophet or apostle or through the act of God Himself in the case of those whom Jesus raised.

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Paul was inspired to write Hebrews 11 - called the Faith chapter - listing many who died in the faith and are awaiting their resurrection to life again.

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