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It might be undergoing some sort of repairing process, but normally it's just a temporary error in the Facebook's coding.

Try restarting your internet Browser, or waiting a few minutes- then try again.

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Q: What does it mean on Facebook when it says 'profile unavailable'?
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What does it mean when a profile name says Facebook user?

it means that he/she is a facebook user ??

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You may have added them as a friend but if you visit someone's profile page and it says add friend on their profile it means they deleted you as a friend. Deleting friends is common on Facebook and most times if you have a lot of friends you won't notice it.

What does it mean on Facebook when it says Sorry this profile is not available at the moment. Please try again shortly?

it's a maintenance thing.

What does it mean on Facebook when it says 'profile unavailable sorry this profile is not available at the moment please try again shortly'?

This could be a glitch, or it could be that someone has removed their profile and FB system hasn't updated the user profile directory yet to acknowledge the change. I had instances where both a direct link to a user profile, one with an ID number, displays this message when accessing it, and will also display the same message when using a Browse by Name link that uses a First.last formatted URL for the same user.

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means facebook is down for now not working for the whole earth

What does it mean on Facebook when a persons name says Facebook user?

What it means is that this person had either deleted their account, has blocked you :( i hate it when it happens to me it could mean that you have not signed in to it and your a guest and not a member

How do you put a design on your facebook profile picture?

YES, there is an app on Facebook that's called pizap. Search it on Facebook an click were it says Pizap app.

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yes with bradley steven perry, it says on her facebook profile

Can you make a picture you already uploaded on facebook your profile picture and keep the comments?

Yes you can just click the bit where it says make this my profile picture

How do you delete a relationship in the relationships window?

if you mean on facebook, just go to your profile, go to the info bar, press edit, and look to the left where it says relationships, and press it, then at the very top it should be where it says what your relationship status is.

How do you get to your moshi monster baby profile?

Im sure that there is no baby profile.Do you mean your monster profile,if you do then on the left hand side there is a book and it says profile click on it and do what it says.

How can you delete a facebook profile?

Simply log on to facebook. Go to the top right hand corner of the screen where it says account settings.once you are there click on delete account.