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In common usage, the word American implies a citizen or resident of the United States of America, its states, territories, or possessions. This is because there is no generic term in English that specifically means "from the US". Except in rare situations, anyone born in the US becomes an American citizen, and anyone who legally immigrates can become a citizen as well.

As for the philosophical question of what it means to be a citizen of the US -- the rights, duties, and responsibilities -- that has to be answered by the individual.

Basically, you are free. You are born in a free country, where nothing is forced upon you. Veterans fought for your rights, and soldiers fight today to protect your life and your rights. Your life is valued. You are a separate individual, but you are a part of the whole : "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all".

Just as individuals make good and bad choices in life, the history of the country includes many actions which (in hindsight) appear arrogant, or covetous, or immoral. But this perspective is only possible because of what past Americans did, in the world in which they lived, acts that cannot be taken back or reversed. To be an American is to embrace the goals of freedom, equality, justice, mutual respect, and personal integrity. As Americans, we should act in our daily lives to uphold these goals -- for our fellow Americans, for future generations, and for the rest of the people of the world.

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