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This is a very insightful question. During high school many teens associate people who don't fit typical social stereotypes (or aren't "cool") as awkward or weird. These are typically the people who don't have a many friends or don't "party hardy," however they have many gifts that others can't fully understand or see. After high school people are labelled weird if they have trouble engaging in conversation or are otherwise different than their peers.

Who has the right to decide normality though? There is no committee, no organization who developed the profile of someone who's "normal." If there was, most people wouldn't fit the description. If you aren't "cool" or "popular" by the standards of others, but enjoy who you are then don't change. Who are they to say you're weird? Who are they to think less of you? All people are people, and thus deserve the rights of respect and dignity--no matter their race, gender, odd hobbies, etc.

Do what floats your boat, then charter your course.

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Q: What does it mean to be weird and socially awkward?
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To be "socially awkward" could mean a few things, but basically it includes anyone that does fit well into environments with other people. This may mean that they cannot talk to people because they are shy or get really nervous, which prevents them from being able to make conversation with strangers. It could also mean that they do not want to talk to others, such as loners or other antisocial people. Being socially awkward is not necessarily unattractive because sometimes it is not in the person's control, but people tend to gravitate toward people who are outgoing and the life of the party (the opposite of being socially awkward). What is unattractive is dealing with people who CHOOSE not to interact with others because they seem mean. Clumsy just means someone who is inclined to tripping, falling, dropping things, walking into stationary objects, etc... for example, ME! Lol. Hope this helped.

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Smile. Let your personality shine!!

What is a 6 letter word for socially awkward?

"gauche" comes to mind.