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Horses are very sociable and affectionate animals but if you give them a reason to be aggreassive then of course they are going to be. They are very loving and live for friendship as that is how they survive in their herds in the wild.

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Q: What does it mean to gentle a horse?
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What does diposition-gentle mean for horses?

When referring to horses disposition means the horses general demeanor or general temperament. Gentle means the horse is calm and usually quiet and nice to be around. Therefore a horse with a gentle disposition will typically have a gentle nature or personality.

What does temperament mean for a horse?

They usually have a calm temperament.-ScarletChick on horse isle

Is there a List of horse breeds that are considered gentle giants?

Most draft horse breeds fit the bill of 'gentle giants'. However each horse will have it's own individual personality and quirks, which can be adjusted with training to a certain degree. Just because a breed is listed a gentle or calm does not mean that all horses of that breed are that way.

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3 is a great temperament it mean the horse is calm and gentle but have problems every once in a while but what horse doesn't!?

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It is difficult to steriotype breeds like that. There will be some gentle Lipizzaner horses, and some not so gentle.

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A ( gentle) bit for a horse

What is the temperment of the shire horse?

The Shire Horse is docile, gentle and hard working.

For a horse's temperament what does 1 mean and what does 10 mean?

The scale is from 1 to 10 with 1 being the calmest. A horse with a temperament of 1 doesn't spook, doesn't get upset, is very calm and gentle. A horse with a temperament of 10 is wild, spooky and very dangerous.

Which draft breed is the most gentle?

All draft breeds tend to be very gentle and kind, but it really varies from individual horse to horse. If you want a gentle draft horse, get a middle-aged (mid to late teens) gelding, as they are usually more calm than mares or young stallions/geldings

Can a horse that is gentle with humans be aggressive with its fellow creatures?


Can a horse that is gentle with humans can be aggressive with its fellow creatures?


Are the horse bad?

horses are by nature a very gentle animal