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Retrograde planets are said to express themselves more introverted manner than those that are moving direct in a natal chart. Natives tend to think very deeply about matters the retrograde planet relates to. Often the traits associated with retrograde planets are not readily apparent until one gets to know the native better.

Saturn(Aries) retrograde in the 10th house suggests a native that that may have had to take on responsibility at an early age. They are usually prudent in nature, though when frustration mounts they are prone to the occasional fool-hardy risk. They may suffer from feelings of inadequacy, depreciating attitudes and a fear of failure/rejection. Their plans may be delayed, the best progress made slowly. Often they have excellent stamina and discipline when cultivated. Their best results come through hard work and patience, while any effort to cut corners usually is thwarted. They may encounter superiors that abuse their power or that are unnecessarily harsh if Saturn is also badly aspected.

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Q: What does it mean to have retrograde Saturn in Aries in House 10 in my natal chart?
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