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The interpretation of omens is very difficult, and without considerably more information all I can give you is generalities, several of them, and let you decide which is the most likely.

My first thought is that by killing the first bird, you have set in motion (or done something) which will effect you personally, and the finding of two more dead birds could be read as either someone or something else working against you (in this case two).

Those of us on a pagan path tend to believe that which we send out will return to us three fold (three dead birds).

In many cases birds are considered messages... sitting birds - messages you are waiting for (or someone else is waiting for a message from you)... birds in flight are messages on their way.

Having killed one, I'm guessing it was sitting by the road and took flight as you approached, could be interpreted as having cut a message off before it gets where it's going... the other two could be miscommunications resultant from the "lost" message.

Unless the birds had significance to you... often we have birds we consider lucky, or unlucky, birds we associate with specific people, ourselves or others we know.

If this kind of bird was one you felt was connected to you or someone you know, it could be read as a warning of miscommunication, arguments or other difficulties...

Specific birds have their own meanings and you can look into those meanings on your own just in case none of the above answers sounds like the right one. Check your local library for books in Paganism on fortune telling as a start.

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Q: What does it mean to kill a bird on the road and see 2 more dead?
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