

What does it mean when PaO2 is 29?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Pa02 of 29 mmHg means the person is at high risk of dying.. the person in severely hypoximic, and is in immediate need of ventilatory support..

-Lester de Vera, Manila Philippines

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Q: What does it mean when PaO2 is 29?
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10 - 15 mm Hg.

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high level of carbon dioxide in the blood stream which could be from a multitude of reasons. At 65 mm hg, the CO2 level is very high relative to normal range of 35 o 45. The PAO2 is in normal range at 88. The high PACO2 would cause the pH of the blood to be elevated without increased bicarbonates from the kidney or external delivery to compensate.

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