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It means he does not know what he wants and since he has a girlfriend, i would suggest talking to some one if he actually has feeling for you before anything hapens between you two.


It means that he's interested in you, but that's not necessarily a good thing.

* He might be more interested in his own ego ("hey look how many girls I can get interested in me!") than in you.

* He might be lining up a backup for when he leaves his current girlfriend (and he might do the same to you in future.)

* He might be hoping to have several girlfriends, again as an ego boost.

* Or he might not know what he wants, and just not have a lot of self-control.

None of these particularly recommends the guy. The only explanation that might be positive is that he's just a sweet guy who likes everyone, and isn't particularly hitting on you, he's just nice.

In any case, as the previous answer recommends, consider other boys who are single.
most likely he is flirting with u and wants u to be his either that or he is crazy

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Q: What does it mean when a boy does all the signs that he likes you but he has a girlfriend?
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