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Q: What does it mean when a guy asked to rub your feet?
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rub a hot boys feet

What does the guy mean when he takes his clothes of and says rub and touch you?

it means he wants to *** you

What does it mean it a girl asks you to massage her feet?

she wants you to be sweet and rub her feet give her some attention

If a guy you like gives you a back rub does this mean he like you?

Answer Could be, why don't you do something in return for this guy and see where that takes you.

When your basketball shoes rub blisters on your feet what does that mean?

This means that you have pigeon feet. This is a small disorder where your feet point in when you run. You are unable to detect it because when you look at your feet they look normal to you. They rub because you are putting your whole body weight on the insides of your feet leaving the space for your shoes to rub against your skin creating blisters.

What does it mean when a guy says he wants to stroke a girl?

To rub or caress possibly sexual intercourse

What does it mean when a boy touches you around the waist?

A guy may rub a girl's waist if he likes her. A guy may also do it accidentally when walking by and it may not mean anything.

Is it gay when a straight guy lets a gay guy rub his feet?

If he enjoys it and would like to do it again because it feels good for the other then yes.

When cats fall at your feet and roll over this means?

it could mean that it wants you to rub and tickle its belly :)

When a boy tries to touch your feet?

If a guy is trying to touch your feet he either really likes you (enough to try and tickle you or rub your feet or whatever) or hes got a foot fetish, lets pray its the first one...

What should you do in return for a back rub you received from a guy you really like but Im not sure if he is in to you?

Answer You asked this question before and the same answer prevails. Rub his back when you have a chance and see where it takes you. I'd say he likes you or he wouldn't have rubbed your back in the first place.

How do you harden up your feet?

Rub them.