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It means that he doesn't want you to like him and he will do things tomake him look bad so you will stop liking him. Sorry, but on the bright side, he just wasn't the right one and there are so many more amazing fish in the sea!

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Q: What does it mean when a guys says what can i do so you can stop liking me?
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If that question is in teen dating you have more problems than guys liking you. You can't have sex just for a guy to like you. PLEASE STOP!

Everytime I start liking a guy and he starts to like me I freak out and stop liking him how can I stop doing this?

I was where you are once then I calmed myself down I talked to my friends and also I have friends that are guys. But I would suggest to talk to your friends heck talk to your parents than meditate.

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You are probably looking for a little of both guys and just get bored with one and go to the other, you know.

How do you stop liking him?

You don't you will never stop liking him I'm sorry this is the truth its coming from personal experience :)

Why do girls lose interest in you?

They most likely gave up on you trying to talk to them. Therefore they don't like you anymore and most likely found someone else to crush over. OR they like you and they want you to feel that they dont like you. They are most likely playing 'hard to get'! Trust me if girls do that, they more than likely turn guys away, its not a smart thing for girls to do!

Why is it so hard to stop liking someone you never dated?

You may be infatuated or crushing on this person and that is why you are unable to stop liking the.

When a man says he wants you to stop calling what does it mean?

Stop Calling

How can you get a boy who has had a crush on you for 3 years to stop liking you?

You can stop talking to him. Don't act like your intrested in him,if you do that he might lose hope that you like him and stop liking you.

how do i stop liking mman?

Its impossible

If you like a boy and he likes you back but says you guys live 45 miutes away which is too far apart to date should you stop liking him?

Well that is quite far apart but you cant just stop liking someone all of a sudden can you? You have to just carry on dating other people but if you still have feelings for this boy then you ask him out again!!! Hope this helps. *honey if distance complicates things and you dont like him enough to meet in between where you both live, why are you bothering?*