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lol. when a women says don't look at me and then laugh's she basically wants ur attention, that's when u look at her even more :P ....

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Q: What does it mean when a women says don't look at me that way a then she smiles at you and luagh?
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Why does a girl look at you then when you look at her she smiles and shakes her head when you ask why?

it means that she likes you and if she dont she knows something that dont know or a secret got around

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1.hold hands 2.hug alot 3.look her/him in the eye 4.luagh with her/him if it luagh 5.tell her/him pretty and thing like that hope it works

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Dont ask her- that might seem wierd. If she stares at you in class or in the hallway or blushes and smiles when you look at her then she totally likes you.

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Upside down frowns.

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he likes you or he thinks your hot

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You're sitting in a bib.

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i really dont know so look it up

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small smiles dentistry is horrible!!! look it up on youtube! how would you like it if i forced your mouth open and strapped you to a papoose board!?? you hear that small smiles people??!!!! go to h*** f-ing small smiles people!!!!!!! D:<

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I think he loved you, and you were also nice to him, maybe you dont want a relationship with him, but maybe you got him the feeling you did like him.. I think he realized you don't, or he thinks you used him. goodluck

What does it mean when a girl is staring at you and you look at her and she smiles at you?

She probably likes you. Smile back.

Can people easilyspot a fake smile?

yes people can easlily fake a smile i do it all of the time if i really dont care about something people fake smiles all the time. the next time you are at the store or something look around and see who is faking a smile and that will be your anwser if you dont believe this one.

Why does a guy not come and speak to you if he likes you though he smiles at you every time you look at him?

To Shy?!