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Q: What does it mean when dgital bathroom scale says lo?
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How do I find out what 3.2 mean on a scale?

Read what the scale or the key to the scale says.

Are bathroom scales really accurate about a person s weight and if not then what can you use to measure your progress?

Bathroom scales are very accurate. The same scale will show the correct reading day after day, no matter what. There is no better way to measure progress than using a bathroom scale. If the scale reads "120" the first week and "120" the second week the weight standing on it is exactly the same both weeks. It will be correct every time it is used. Doctors scales, on the other hand are very bad because they get used so much (10 or twenty times Every day), so the doctors scale will not give the same number as your bathroom scale. Trust your scale what is says is what it is.

Where in Big Nate island is there a bathroom?

if you mean poptropica, well i already finished all the islands so far but there is no bathroom. wait i think there is!!!!!!!!! if you know were the school is (the school is on the very very far right.) the bathroom is somewere in the school but there is a sign that says "restroom".

Does avin the submersible have a bathroom?

no but alvin does have a sign in it that says PB4UGO.

What does beam balance mean in science?

It means a balance (scale) with three beams. Triple. Beam. Balance. Exactly what it says on the tin.

When you rent an apartment and it says four rooms do they count that bathroom as being one of the rooms?

No. If it says four "rooms" and not "bedrooms," it may mean they are counting the living room as a room. Ask the broker or realtor for more details.

If actual weight is 11.9 and my scale says it is 18.88 what percent is my scale off?

It is off by 36.97%

Is force the same thing as mechanical advantage?

No. You'll never see a bathroom scale that says your mechanical advantage is 140 pounds. The mechanical advantage of a device like a lever or a hydraulic jack is a measure of how the force changes between the input of the device and its output.

What do you do when you start your periods?

if you mean what happens when your period starts you get cramps bloated and you may like to stay in the bathroom alot, but if you mean what it says in the question you wear a pad and try not to move so much you dont wanna be in pain badly

Does sonic go to the bathroom?

i think sonic goes to the bathroom at some point. the reason i say this is because in sonic lost world he says he is going to take a long steamy shower, this makes me think that he will go to the bathroom.

What does it mean when the barbie dolled up nail printer says printer is busy?

it means that you need to give it a rest and make sure that you go to the bathroom befor it takes a long time

In The Concrete Mixer from The Illustrated Man What did ettil mean when he says and we shall pay for the price of your brilliance?

he means that using the bathroom has a price and you only break your arm every time you chew bubble gum.