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that they really like you! they like you and if you gave them an answer that isn't them the only way out for them is to mock you. they must really like you!

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Q: What does it mean when someone asks if they like someone and then mock you?
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There is a online shop called boohoo. if someone says "boohoo!" they usually are being mock-sad.

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To mock means 'to make fun of' and "Mock" is used to mean practice or pretend, as in "Mock Exams", a "Mock Debate", a "Mock Trial", things students could do in a school in preparation, perhaps, for the real thing.

Can you use mock in a sentence?

As a verb: It's unkind to mock someone because they're different from you. As an adjective: Since I've never had turtle soup, I don't know if mock turtle soup tastes like the real thing. As a noun: Poor Brittany Spears has become the mock of the gossip industry.

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How is a mock rock like a real rock?

A mock rock has 2 words . That's right! Mock and Rocks .If you know mock means to copy and if you know what a rock is (which everybody should know) .You put it all together and it mean a rock that copy.

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to mock in a jokingly, but mean way