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Q: What does it mean when testes hurt during stretching?
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I think you mean stretching of the ear lobes, if so no done properly there is no issue or discomfort when done correctly.

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Yes it is normal it might mean that your baby will be a fast grower.

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Dragon Testes.

You have got hurt on your testis and now one of them is lower than the otherwhat is the problem?

If you hurt your testes and now one of them is lower than the other one, this doesn't necessarily mean that there is a problem, it could just be natural. See a doctor to rule out any serious problems.

What does ballchinian mean?

it means the male testes are situated on the chin

What does castatrate mean?

Castration is the removal of the testes or whole genital region.

If your testes are very itchy does that mean you have a STD?

No. That means, you have fungal infection. Please consult your family physician.

Why would the testicle that has not dropped yet hurt a boy in puberty?

Do you mean that the boy (you or your son?) has only one teste inside his scrotum and the other teste is undescended (and still located within his abdomen?) If this is the case go and see your doctor, as soon as is practicable. A boy's testes should both have descended either before birth or soon after, definitely long before the onset of puberty. During puberty a boy's testes increase a great deal in size and this growth, inside the abdomen is the likely cause of the pain. It may be possible for a doctor or specialist to descend the testes or it may have to be removed. Either way it should not remain within the abdomen.

Do ejaculation hurt antibiotics?

Antibiotics are not alive, therefore they can not be hurt during ejaculation. If you mean can antibiotics make you have a pain sensation during ejaculation, this is possible if it is a stated side effect of the particular medicine. Always read the label.

What does static and dynamic stretching mean?

jump up and down

What does un carnet de testes mean in french?

you probably mean - un cahier de textes - a homework diary

What does it mean when a budgie wiggles their tail?

It means they are stretching the feathers in the tail