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That would be a question to present to a dream analyst, however anyone can analyze dreams. It might mean you suspect them of taking drugs, or maybe they're doing something to their body that is not beneficial, or perhaps degradational. You would have to be more specific for the true nature of the dream to come through.

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To dream that you are in possession of or taking drugs, signifies your need for a "quick fix" or from an escape from reality. You may be turning to a potentially harmful alternative as an instant escape from your problems. Ask yourself why you need the drugs. What do you hope the drugs will achieve for you?

Google dream interpreter online and then click dream dictionary.. itll give you an alphabetized dictionary of subjects.. look up the main subject of you're dream and itll give you the most common meanings

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Q: What does it mean when you dream about a spouse taking drugs?
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When you dream drugs What is does it mean?

The dream's meaning depends on what you mean by "drugs." In the U.S., the same word can refer to prescription medications, over-the-counter remedies or illegal street drugs. If the dream involved illegal drugs, it might symbolize guilty feelings for something you knew you should not have done. On the other hand, dreaming about medication suggests that your subconscious mind is alerting you to the onset of the early symptoms of illness.

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What is the mean of illegable?

Anyone taking illegal drugs is breaking the law.

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It means to stop taking, or using the drug.

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Myself and my sister is a twins in such a case i dream my spouse should be a twins It is not clear whether the first answer, above, is an actual answer or an elaboration on the question. However, the dream of a spouse having twins is a variation on the typical pregnancy/baby dream. The twins in the dream represent some new development belonging to the spouse, which might refer to an idea, project, task or some sort of work in progress. Like a baby, this project is both vulnerable, requiring a lot of care and attention, and very important to the spouse. > "Twins" represent double, suggesting that the developing project encompasses two elements, or perhaps might be twice as large as any previous work.

What does it mean when you dream about arguing with your spouse?

urm, it depends if it was a good or bad dream. i had a dream about my boyfriend running off with an Australian girl (as he is moving to Australia soon) and he gets dreams about me going off with his friends (even though he knows i wont.) These are just worry dreams and are natural. But if the dream did not worry you and your relationship is starting to take a turn towards what is happening in your dreams then i would be worried.