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It means go to the dr. Don't chance health of yourself and possibly a childs.

It probably means you have uterine fibroids.You often get a "fluttering" feeling with these.The best way to find out is to go to the doctor.

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Q: What does it mean when you feel like a baby is moving in your belly but you get your period and had your tubes tied?
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What does it mean when you feel like a baby is moving in your belly but you get your period?

A movement of baby is felt at 16 to 20 weeks on wards. So, most likely, you have felt gas pains or stool moving in the large intestines. It's a common mis-identification of somatic (body) feelings that are nothing to worry about. You can want a baby so badly that you convince yourself that every twitch or gas pain is a "baby" moving. However, you could also have a pseudo pregnancy or some problem needs expert opinion urgently. Please consult your Gynecologist immediately.

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no you dont have a umbilical cord you have a belly button your baby dose not have a belly button yet the umbilical cord attaches to the baby at its belly after its born the umbilical cord is cut giving the baby its belly button. However don't have your belly button pierced while you are pregnant as you will have to take the bar (or whatever) out towards the end.

What are side effects of having a baby when tubes are tied?

The baby will surely die