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Q: What does it mean when you have a tiny red bump on your cliterus?
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What does a red bump in between your eye and eyebrow mean?

pimple or wart

There is a bump on your knee and its red with a white centerand it pokes out a very tiny bit also it hurts what do you do and what is it?

It may be a pimple or a wart. If this bump starts to get discolored or look funny in anyway you need to see a doctor.

What does it mean if you have a one Red itchy bump on your arm?

probably a heat rash

Red bump behind your ear?

no red bump behind my ear. behind my ear it just sore

Red bump on back I have a red bump size of a penny 14 inch bumped up red hurts when I touch it. right on the spine line between shoulder blades.what is it?

Your Shoulder can move downward, and can cause a red bump and swelling. If blood collect around your spine and shoulder is can cause a red bump and discomfort. Or it could be a type of injury

What does a red bump on the cheek of a hamster mean?

It could be nothing, but you should take your hamster to see a veterinarian just in case.

What does tiny red spots on a patients arm when the tourniquet is applied mean?

patient is allergic to latex

Your paratakeet has a bump i need to know what should i do?

My Bugdie had a big red bump on its back. We had to put it down.

Red bump on back I have a red bump size of a penny .25 inch bumped up red hurts when I touch it. right on the spine line between shoulder blades.what is it?

a pimple on your bake

Is a red bump on the butt of a gerbil bad?


What STD causes a red bump?

It might be Syphilis.