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U most likely could be pregnant. Brownish discharge is implantation bleeding and does not last very long and totally normal. (I've been reading up TTC) If u have missed your period I would take a home pregnancy test.

Good luck to you!!

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14y ago

well that means your going to get your period silly .don't worry every thing is going to be alright just be prepared cause you never know when it is going to come. just do what i did get a pat and put it in your bookbag, and if by all of the sudden you feel wet just ask the teacher if you could use the bathroom and don't forget to get your pat of course ,I'm just telling you this cause sometimes you get to exited and forget it so you get your pat and stick it on your panties. and if you don't know how to use it well just make sure you ask your mom how to put it on and you are good to go.

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Q: What does it mean when you missed your period there is brown discharge and some minor back pain?
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