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Perhaps your body needs bioflavoids combined with vitamin C. It worked for me - check out your local health food/vitamin store. Good luck

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someone is beating you in your sleep

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Q: What does it mean when you wake up with bruises all over you?
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How is possible to have cuts and bruises when you wake up and you dont do anything to get them?

if you are in a really deep sleep you can scratch urself or possibly hurt urself if you have a nightmare or something! also i dont mean to be scary or weird but some1 is watching over you, like and ghost they can either be haunting you or protecting you if you have bruises and scratches they are probably haunting you.....all this stuff is guessing. but i did c on this tv show that ghosts can do that. but i idk if it is true!hope this helpskimmy55555

What happens to Bella when edward makes love to her?

she gets bruises all over her

What is the meaning of waking up with bruises all over the body?

You got beat

Why do you have dark spots and bruises all over your skin?

My little sister beat me up good

What does it mean when you wake up out your bed in you have bumps all over your arms and you wash your covers?

You are probably allergic to the laundry detergent or the wool in your covers.

Why are bananas not spotty?

the reason why a banana has spots all over it is because it the bruises on the skin when some one drops the banana its the same with all of the fruit.

When you wake up wet after you dream about someone. what does this mean?

Answer It doesn't mean anything. You had a wet dream, that's all.

Did edward do something bad in Breaking Dawn?

Yes on the honeymoon while Bella and him are making love he loses control and bruises her all over her body.

If you get a bruise on your scalp will it go?

Yes all bruises fade after time.

What does it mean when you wake up saying the word serendipity?

Nothing at all except that it was possibly related to a dream you were having.

What is the future tense for wake?

The future tense of wake is will wake."Soon enough the sun will shine through their windows and they will all wake up."

Do old people have spots on there bum?

Depends all on their health , or if they have any bruises.