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Brown vaginal discharge can also be a symptom of some serious medical conditions.


You have some spotting when you ovulate and before and after your period. This is pretty normal. This pinkish/brownish color is blood and there is so little that it just tints your discharge. Spotting is very normal for both of those times during the cycle.

Also it could be implantation bleeding where the egg implants into the uterus, that is if you are sexually active and have not been using protection.

It could be Implantation bleeding sign of pregnancy or just a problem which is nothing to do with pregnancy. Go and see a doctor.

Spotting before periods in women over 30 can also indicate the beginning of perimenopause. When spotting appears 2-3 days before the periods are due, it can indicate that the corpus luteum is breaking down too early causing the luteal phase to be shorter than normal. Perimenopause spotting is cause by sudden drop in estrogen levels and low progesterone production due to anovulatory cycles. If a woman is trying to get pregnant and her luteal phase is shorter that 10-12 days she may suffer an early miscarriage. Other possible causes can be cervical dysplasia, endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, UTI, yeast infection, STDs, etc.

If a woman has a IUD, this can also be the cause.

Making a doctor's appointment to discuss this situation is a very good idea in order to get proper diagnosis and treatment.

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17y ago

somehow i think this can be normal. but ive never spotted pink before my period. there is a possibility that this could be an infection.

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Q: What would spotting pinkish brownish discharge a few days off and on before your period mean?
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