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Q: What does it mean when your dog is old and is breathing heavily and keeps walking around?
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How is cellular respiration?

Pretty efficient, it's what keeps us alive and breathing. Pretty efficient, it's what keeps us alive and breathing.

What are some good basic exorcises?

jogging, walking, sports, cardio, jumping jacks, anything that keeps you moving around!

What causes breathing?

the movement of muscles which keeps the surface for gaseous supplied with oxygen causes breathing

Why is breathing in and out important?

It oxygenates your blood and keeps you alive.

Which part of the brain keeps breathing?

brain stem

Which division of the autonomic system keeps you breathing when you fall asleep?

The parasympathetic division.

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Why do you keep breathing heavily after you have stopped running?

You have gone into oxygen deficit. Your body has used a lot of oxygen while you were running and has produced more carbon dioxide. You need to get rid of the excess carbon dioxide and replenish the oxygen. This is why you keep breathing heavily. If you just hold your breath for a long time the same effect occurs. Your body keeps on using oxygen and producing carbon dioxide even if you are not running.

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What part of the brain keeps you walking in a straight line?

left autrium

What do you breathe for?

Breathing keeps you alive. If you did not breath you would die. Holding your breath from more than 5 minutes can cause fatal deaths. Breathing is your heart pumping blood around your body. We breath to keep us alive, if we did not breathe we would Die.

Why is it that sometimes when you stop breathing you pass out but other times you die?

if you stop breathing due to blockages in the lungs or esophagus, then you cannot breathe, if you pass out, your natural body system kicks in and keeps you breathing.