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She is probably missing you and wants you back.

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Q: What does it mean when your ex girl askes how your new relationship going?
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What does it mean when a boy askes a girl if you like him?

It sort of tells the girl that you like her back.

If a guy blushes when a girl askes him who he like what does it mean?

most likely you

If a girl askes ''I should have asked you to the dance'' does that mean she likes you?

Well only she can answer this for sure but it sure sounds like a possibility.

If a guy askes you out when he has a girlfriend what does it mean?

maybe they want to dump the other girl??? maybe they like you??? they could be joking... but i doubt they would be.

What does it mean when you tell a girl what are you going to do when im not there for you and she says oh my god im going to freaking die?

If she reacts in such a way it means you should get out of that relationship.

If girl says i love you and this and that but on her Bebo it says she is single and she does not have his Bebo does it mean she is not going out with him?

It doesn't mean she isn't going out with him, it usually means that she is embarrassed to be in a relationship with him. She may also have other, more personal reasons.

How do you tell if a girl likes you like the girl Zoe that i know?

Her name is Zoe. when i go up to her and talk, she starts to get alittle flirty. When i ask her about going out, she says this: "Just friends, in a good way." What does that mean? And this other kid Ethan likes her, but when he askes her out, she says "No". Please help me. She's like the love of my life.

Friend is over boy askes to go to movie what should you do?

You should say yes. Just because you are not going out doesn't mean you can't still be friends.

What does a girl mean when she says relationship is complicated?

it means that you and your boy/girl friend are going through hard times. It may mean y'all may break up. THAT'S what complicated means. trust me I've been there

What does it mean if you have a dreem an a guy askes you if you like hes knife an you say yes an thin he gets up an stabs a girl in her back an it looks like you from behind?

you need mental help.

Is the first relationship the last?

In what contexts do you mean? If your in a relationship with your partner all you life , i t still does not mean it is going to be your last relationship you'll ever have.

What does it mean when a guy and a girl friend never hugged each other?

It means your relationship is going no where unless you talk to each other about it face to face and solve the issue.