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It means exactly that. Everybody has a right for privacy and there's no way to maintain a healthy relationship without trust and having some time for yourself for both of you. Maybe it also means you should stop looking over his shoulder and/or uninstall that spyware. You should know for a fact he's doing something he wouldn't want you to find out about. If you are uneasy about it, a good marriage is one where good communication exists. tell him directly how you feel, that you need to know more about what he means when he says this. be nice about it, and be uderstanding if he wants his space. if he can't give you a direct answer, then i would be worried. because to me, if no one can give you a direct answer, they are hiding something. i feel that in a marriage, or any relationship, you don't hide anything from eachother. Good Luck. He is doing something he doesn't want you to see. Porn, chatroom, met someone else. I'd find out what he is looking at.

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Q: What does it mean when your husband spends all the time online and says he needs his privacy?
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