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Q: What does john Locke mean when he says that all men are naturally in a state of perfect freedom within the bounds of law of nature?
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Are we tampering with nature in an unethical way?

Some may argue that certain human actions, such as deforestation or genetic modification, can be unethical as they disrupt natural ecosystems and balance. It is essential to consider the potential consequences of these actions on the environment and future generations when making decisions that involve altering nature.

Causal laws and the uniformity of nature?

Causal laws are principles that describe the relationship between causes and effects in the physical world. The uniformity of nature is the idea that these causal laws operate consistently and predictably across time and space. The belief in the uniformity of nature forms the basis for scientific inquiry and our understanding of the natural world.

What does the phrase not in accord with the laws of nature mean?

Something which is not biologically possible/ unnatural IE, Men can not give birth to babies because this is not in accord(ance) with the law of nature.

Is law of causation a form of law of nature?

Yes, the law of causation is considered a fundamental principle within the broader scope of natural laws. It posits that every event is caused by a preceding event, establishing a causal relationship between actions and their consequences. This principle helps to explain the order and predictability observed in nature.

Nature of offense?

The nature of the offense is in regard to whether it was a property crime, domestic violence crime, motor vehicle violation, drunk driving offense, drug related crime, sexual assault, white collar crime and if it was violent or weapons were involved during the criminal act. Obviously when someone is physically harmed during a crime (whether the injury was intentional or not), the nature of the crime is more severe than say a property crime where no one was physically injured. For example, consider that 4 criminals go in to rob a bank. Only 1 of them has a gun and the other 3 were unaware that their accomplice was armed. If anyone is harmed or killed during the robbery, the nature of the offense for all 4 becomes a violent crime (from armed robbery to first degree murder) regardless of whether they intended any harm or were armed themselves.

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A Utopian pre-civilization environment in which humans lived in a state of perfect freedom

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Why can't nature make a perfect fractal?

A perfect fractal would need to be infinite. Nature does not have infinite molecules to make a perfect fractal. Simple!

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How do you say naturally in french?

naturellement means naturally in the sense of nature. bien entendu means naturally in the sense of 'of course'

What are the various uses of maths in nature?

Nature doesn't "use" math. Math and science are the descriptions of what Nature does ... naturally.

What is naturally rectangular?

nothing as there are no 2D shapes in nature.

Why did explores explored?

Humans are Naturally Curious by nature.

Why do have to design algorithms?

Because they do not exist naturally in nature.