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Q: What does karma has no deadline mean?
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What does karma mean in Chinese?

In Chinese, karma is often translated as "业报" (yè bào), which refers to the consequences of one's actions, both in this life and in future lives according to the Buddhist belief in cause and effect. It implies that one's present actions and intentions will have future implications and consequences.

What does karma mean to you?

Apsolutely Nothingg. :)

What do jaina monks mean by burning off karma?

MERRY CHRISTMAS My dear friend i don't know what jaina monks mean by buring off karma's but in general terms your karma is burnt by the actions you do.What you sow is what you reap,this is the whole concept of karma.

What is the secound worst karma rank in Fallout 3?

In Fallout 3 you can have either Very Good Karma (750-1000, Good Karma (749- 250, Neutral Karma (249- -249, Bad Karma (-250- -749) or Very Bad Karma (-750- -1000). So Bad Karma would be the second worst Karma. If you mean "What Is The Second Worst Karma Rank" as in the title for very bad Karma @ lvl 29; then it is Demon Spawn.

What is karma real name?

Karma? Is the belief if you do good things good things will happen to you. What do you mean what's it real name?

What religion believes in rebirth and karma?

= Hinduism believes in karma but karma does not mean rebirth. =

What does the name karma 10 x mean on twitter?

it means that you have 10 times karma just kidding dude just google it

What does leaving it up to karma mean?

Karma is the belief that "what goes around comes around." Leaving it up to karma means just leaving the situation alone, as karma will eventually come back around to that person, whether it's good or bad.

If you lie does that mean you have karma?

Any thing u do in your life comes under KARMA which may be good or bad telling lie is bad karma according to Hindu religion which means that u will be punished by god so KARMA means the work u do

What Steve Smith said the difference between a dream and a goal is a deadline?

You probably mean: "A goal is a dream with a deadline."But it was said/written by Napoleon Hill.

What does it mean when someone says you have one month to sort it out?

They are giving you a deadline

What is the difference between a deadline and a priority deadline?

A deadline can be changed, but a priority deadline cannot.