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grandma or grandmother

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Q: What does kupuna wahine mean in English?
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How do you say grandmother in the hawiian language?

Aloha: Kupuna wahine (formal); tutu or kuku (lovingly)

What does wahine mean in English?

grandma or grandmother

What is the English translation of 'Mai Kupuna Mai'?

it's not French

Is Oma Hawaiian for grandma?

It's German & Dutch for grandma.Please see related link below.NO!!!!! it's dutch for grandma!The German also use it for Grandma, and Opa for grandfather.

What is the English translation of 'o na wahine no ka oi'?

The Hawaiian word Nawahine comes from two words, na and wahine. Na means the and wahine means girl. So Nawahine can mean the girl, the lady, the woman. etc

What does Wahine Nani mean?

Beautiful Woman

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What does wahine mean in maori?

"Wahine" in Maori means woman or female. It is a term used to refer to females in the Maori culture.

What is the Kikuyu word for the English word evening?

Wahine is the Kikuyu word for the English word evening.

How do you say grandpa in Hawaiian?

Tutu IS used in Hawaii as a term for grandparent, but it is not a Hawaiian word. There is no letter "t" in the Hawaiian alphabet. Often, the letter "k" is substituted for the letter "t" for similar South Pacific words like taro = karo and the ti plant is the ki plant in Hawaiian. However, I have not heard the term kuku for grandparent. It is my understanding that the appropriate word for grandparent is "kupuna;" translated as respected elder. Kane IS the Hawaiian word for man. It is pronounced "kah nay," NOT "kah nee," The letter "e" is pronounced as "ay." When pronouncing Hawaiian words think of Spanish pronunciations. Wahine is the Hawaiian word for woman. It is pronounced "wah hee nay." So, grandfather is "kupuna Kane" and grandmother is "kupuna wahine" in the Hawaiian language.

What is grandparent in hawaiian?


What is hawaiian for grandpa?

Aloha mai from Maui! Most common affectionate term if tutu (derived from kuku-correct Hawai'ian pronunciation) for either grandparent is tutu wahine for grandmother, tutu Kane for grandfather, kupuna for any elder out of respect. Grandchild is mo'opuna. Lots of good on-line searches available. Mahalo for asking!