

What does lasanga contain?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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16y ago

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Cheese, Noodle, Tomato Sauce, Seasonings, and sometimes MEAT. At least that is a traditional lasagna.

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2 hours 30 minutes

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6 peices will be left over

How many calories are in vegetable lasagna?

There are about 314 calories in a serving of vegetarian lasagna.

Can you no cook regular lasagna noodles?

yes lasanga noodles need too be cooked before put in the lasanga

What language did the word lasanga come from?

Italian! So does calizone they both do because there more like pastas and that where they come from!

Will vegetarian lasanga last overnight if left out?

For food safety purposes, it is best to store it covered in the refrigerator, not left out.

Does chicken lasagna have a tomato sauce?

Yes this is the only sauce you can have with chicken lasanga. Everyone who says differently is wrong

What words describe lasanga with the letter L?

Luscious is a good word to describe lasagna. It begins with the letter L.