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A series of 1's and 0's which represent Instructions.

Assembly Language is a 1-to-1 representation of machine code in human readable context. Assembly Language can also contain comments and label names which get filtered out when converting assembly to machine code (compiling).

If you want to read machine language, you use a disassembler to convert machine code into assembly. Otherwise programs such as notepad or nano will show the contents of the file as gobbly-gook (random characters with no meaning).

32-bit processors parse the file into 32-bit 1's and 0's segments. Each segment gets ran and processed individually. And not all segments are meant to be ran. Some are data and get skipped over, and other instructions load and use that data for their intended purpose.

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Basically, computers only understand machine language, which is different and consists of instructions humans can't (easily) read. Also, these instructions and their corresponding appliances differ, which has to do with the processor family. If you compile/interpret code, it eventually becomes machine code, which the CPU then executes.

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A language at the level of the machine it runs on. AKA Machine code, it's the underlying language that computer CPU's speak.

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A machine language is called as machine code and it is represented as binary numbers 0 and 1

What is meant by Machine level language?

A language at the level of the machine it runs on. AKA Machine code, it's the underlying language that computer CPU's speak.

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Machine language.

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Assembler/compiler converts programs into machine language.

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