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They have no mirror image.

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Q: What does mirrors do to vampires?
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Why don't vampires show up in mirrors?

Vampires don't mind mirrors actually. They are afraid of crosses but not mirrors. The connection between mirrors and vampires is that vampires can't be seen in mirrors. I suppose if mirrors did bother a vampire it would be because perhaps they are tortured by the fact that they can never be human again, and not being able to see their reflection would be a reminder of this.

Can vampires see in a mirror?

Yes. But they do not appear in mirrors.

Do Amish people have mirrors?

Yep. You're probably thinking of vampires.

Do Vampires Have A Reflection?

No stupid read a vampire book for once! no Vampires actually do have a reflection. It is just that some vampires avoid mirrors because a visual confrontation as to what they have become is bothersome. It from such aversions and negative reactions to mirrors that the myth of a non-reflection has evolved. All the mirrors in Count Dracula's castle were covered but apparently this was not done by the count -- probably by one of his 'vampire brides'.

Can vampires see them selfs in the mirrior?

Yes of course.Everything can see themselves in mirrors

Why can't you see vampires in mirrors?

Because the need souls to see them selves in the mirror.

Are vampires seen in mirrors?

No Virginia, there is NO Santa Claus, Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy and sure as heck aren't vampires except in you movies, book and games.

Why can't vampires see their reflections in mirrors?

because it's gods way of saying their dead

Why do vampires can't see their reflection in the mirror?

its because mirrors are lined with silver nothing to do with souls

What should vampires stay away from?

Vampires should stay away from holy water garlic, mirrors, the cross ,the sun, blood typeAB-, gold, and blue chalk.

Why is it said that vampires do not have reflections in mirrors?

Vampires are considered to be the undead. Since they are not living beings, they cannot be reflected. Plus their pale skin reflects the sunlight too and shines brightly.

In Dracula what does Jonathan realize is missing form all the rooms in the castle?

Mirrors (which makes sense, since vampires have no reflection).