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Miss Maudie Prunes her flowers carefully to help them grow healthier and more beautifully. She is a skilled gardener and takes great care of her plants to ensure they flourish in her garden.

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Q: What does miss Maudie do to her flowers?
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What is Miss Maudie's hobby in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?

tending to her flowers

What are the flowers in miss maudies garden?

In Miss Maudie's garden, there are azaleas and hollyhocks mentioned in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. These colorful flowers are described as vibrant and beautiful, adding to the charm of Miss Maudie's garden.

Who objected to Miss Maudie Atkinson's yard?

Miss Stephanie Crawford objected to Miss Maudie Atkinson's yard in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" because she thought it was "desolate" and did not have enough flowers or plants.

Why would a foot washing baptist disapprove of miss Maudie flowers what is scout reaction yo this?

A foot washing Baptist may disapprove of Miss Maudie Flowers due to her gardening and house pride interests, which they may see as worldly distractions. Scout doesn't understand the religious nuances but admires Miss Maudie for being kind and genuine. She values Miss Maudie's friendship and doesn't judge based on religion.

What is a symbol of miss Maudie?

A symbol of Miss Maudie in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is her flower garden, which represents her nurturing and caring nature. Another symbol is her house burning down, which symbolizes the destruction of innocence in the community. Overall, Miss Maudie symbolizes strength, resilience, and kindness in the face of adversity.

What is miss Maudies full name?

Miss Maudie Atkinson.

What are some descriptive passages of Miss Maudie's house in the book To Kill A Mockingbird?

Miss Maudie's house in "To Kill A Mockingbird" is described as small and neat, with a wide porch and old-fashioned furniture. The house is surrounded by a lovely garden filled with blooming flowers and shrubs. Miss Maudie's garden is well-tended and a source of pride for her.

What will miss Maudie not give miss Stephanie?

Miss Maudie will not give Miss Stephanie any of her recipe for Lane cakes.

How did miss Maudie's husband die?

Miss Maudie's husband died of a heart attack.

Why would a foot washing baptist disapprove of miss maudies flowers?

A foot washing Baptist may disapprove of Miss Maudie's flowers because they could be seen as a distraction from focusing on spiritual practices and God. Some members of this denomination emphasize simplicity and modesty in all aspects of life, including decor and personal hobbies. This could lead to disapproval of extravagant or ornate things like the flowers in Miss Maudie's yard.

Who did miss Maudie stay with after the fire?

Miss Maudie stayed with the Miss Stephanie Crawford after the fire at her house.

How does Miss Maudie react to the fire?

What clue is given that indicates that miss Maudie is holding in her emotional pain