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Q: What does mitosis do that the cell would do wrong if it just split down the middle in cell division?
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I asume you mean mitosis, not would be metaphase, prophase, and telophase.

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How do the new cells formed during cell division compare with the initial cell?

it depends if they go under mitosis or miosis. i'd research these. :)

What purpose does mitosis serve in development and growth?

Mitosis is the process of cell division that occurs in living things except in the gonads (sex cells). In mitosis the "daughter" cells have the same number of chromosomes as the original cell. During mitosis, a cell splits in two passing on the genetic material.

Would a cell survive if it went through mitosis but not cytokineses?

No, because cytokinesis is the actual division of the cytoplasm which is necessary for true cell division.

What are the stages of mitosis and cytokinesis?

Mitosis and cytokinesis are elements of cell division. Mitosis is the duplicated genome in the cell is divided into halves which are identical. Cytokinesis is the where the cytoplasm of the cell divides to form two daughter cells.

Can mitosis occurs in a cell in the absence of cytokinesis Support your answer If your answer is yes provide a description of how the new cell would appear in the G1 phase of the cell cycle?

Yes. mitosis is nuclear division whereas cytokinesis is cell division. The result would be one cell with 2 nuclei

What would happen if the cell went through mitosis but not cytokinesis?

Cell division would not occur.

After mitosis there are three cells?

At the end of three mitotic divisions, there will be a total of 8 cells. This is because the number of cells double with every division. At the end of the first mitotic division, there are daughter cells. At the end of the second division: daughter cells further divide into two cells, giving 4 cells. At the end of the third division: each of the four cells further divide into 2 cells each, resulting in a total of 8 cell.

What are the phases of cell division in order?

Cell division includes mitosis, consisting of the prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. (Additional stages would be the preprophase and the prometaphase.) Mitosis is followed by cytokinesis. (see related question)

What is the relationship between the processes of mitosis and cytokinesis?

Mitosis is the division of the nucleus, and cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm. Cytokinesis begins during telophase, and, unlike mitosis, occurs different in plants and animals. In plants, cytokinesis occurs when a new cell wall or cell plate forms between the two, newly formed nuclei. In animals, a cytokinesis is characterized by the formation of a cleavage furrow produced by contractile rings made up of microfilaments. (Campbell, and Reece 227). Cytokinesis would be a pointless process if not for mitosis because mitosis creates two daughter cells. If there weren't two fully formed nuclei by telophase, the cell would split and one "cell" would be left without a nucleus, and therefore useless. Although, by definition , mitosis may occur without cytokinesis, the two daughters must be separated in order to function properly and most efficiently.

Does mitosis result in genetic diversity?

No, mitosis is just cell division, mostly somatic cells, and the mutations that would happen in these cells are not inherited as these body cells die without progeny.