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Money makes Autistic people happy. My advice is to give us all your money.

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Q: What does money do to people with autism?
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Related questions

What is Autism awareness?

Autism awareness is simply making people aware of autism and Autistic people. Unfortunately organizations such as Autism Speaks uses autism awareness to speak negatively about autism and Autistic people to increase their profits, thus there remains a lot of ignorance about autism.

Can people with autism be in charge of money?

Of course they can. Children with Autism can reach whatever career they choose. Temple Grandin is a very famous person with Autism, and she has written many great books about Autism.

How much money do you have to pay for the autism walk?

Autism Walk is promoted by Autism Speaks to increase their profits, Autism Speaks is considered to be a hate group by Autistic people - if you care about Autistic people you don't give a single penny to that organisation. If you want to walk for Autism start your own walk, make it free and ask for donations, and support an Autism charity that helps Autistic people.

Is Dallas rocks against autism?

Dallas Rocks Against Autism was an event held in 2009 to raise money for Autism related causes. Although it should be noted that 'against autism' is a negative message, no one should be against autism as that means you're against Autistic people.

How much money is funded to find a cure for autism?

It's impossible to say for sure how much money goes into funding for research into a 'cure' for Autism overall, but an example would be to look at Autism Speaks which is the largest organisation focusing on Autism in the US and is pro-eugenics* so supports finding a 'cure'. In 2012 Autism Speaks put $15,790,797 into research, most of which was focused on finding a 'cure'. * Autism is a neurological difference; it's how a persons brain works and who they are, as such Autism cannot be seperated from the person. Autism can no more be cured than you can cure being African-American, the only way to get rid of autism would be to get rid of all the Autistic people. In supporting a cure what people are saying is that Autistic people are worth less than Neurotypical people, or that Autistic people are broken Neurotypical people, and to support finding a 'cure' for autism is essentially supporting eugenics.

Has You Tube Video autism epidemic out of control alerted media to finally do something about misinformation on autism?

There is no Autism epidemic - it's not a disease or a virus, Autism is a neurological difference and represents Autistic people - referring to Autism as an epidemic is referring to Autistic people as an epidemic, it is dangerous and prejudice. People use the term 'epidemic' to promote fear surrounding Autism in order to push their agenda's or to make money, in the mean time not caring about how this impacts on those of us who are Autistic.

What can you do to people who have autism?

It would not be ethical or legal to do anything TO people who have autism.

What organization cuts of their mustaches to raise money?

The organization that cuts of their mustaches to raise money is called Quality Services for the Autism Community. This is a non profit group that offers a variety of programs and services to people with autism in the New York area.

What to the government do based on the autism epidemic?

There's no such thing as the 'autism epidemic'.Autism is a variation in neurology, it is not a disease so cannot be an 'epidemic'. This terminology is commonly used by those who are against Autistic people or use Autism to further their agenda (such as using it to make money - e.g. Autism Speaks) to create a culture of fear, often using misleading data claiming Autism is on the increase when it's not (diagnosis has increased, Autism hasn't).

Do people with autism repeat them self's?

Yes people with autism do repeat them self's.

How does autism affect the parents relashionchip?

It is really important for parents to stick together on this. Discovering that your child has autism at first can be daunting, But you will find that autism opens up a whole new world of wonderful experiences that you never could have imagined. For more information: Available on amazon:

What is a good organization for autism?

A good organization is one that is lead by Autistic people themselves, for example Autistic Self Advocacy Network. A bad organization is one that works against Autistic people, for example Autism Speaks causes a lot of serious harm to Autistic people while claiming to help.