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Q: What does most of the producers use to convert solar energy to food energy?
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Why are plants considered the primary producers in the ecosystem?

Plants convert solar energy (the primary energy source in the environment) into food and fuel.

What happens to solar energy not stored by primary producers?

Around 90% of the total solar energy is used by the producers for food manufacture, growth, reproduction, and survival. The solar energy that is not stored by primary producers is lost as heat.

Producers are called?

In a food chain, producers are usually green plants or algae that use chlorophyll to convert energy from the sun into food.

How do producers and consumers get their energy?

Producers and consumers exchange energy and matter in various ways. The producers are used as food for the consumers and the consumers are used as fertilizer and food for producers when they die.

Why does respiration take place in producers and consumers?

Cellular respiration is the process by which producers and consumers get energy from food and convert that energy into molecules of ATP, the energy molecule of the cell.

How does a producer make its own food within a food chain or a food web?

producers get their food from the sun and convert it into energy.

Why are consumers at the bottom of the food chain?

Producers are placed at the bottom of the food chain because the do not eat other living organisms and instead get their energy though the sun.

What is the kind of energy is needed by plants to convert the raw materials into food?


How do producer make their food?

Producers make their own food.plants and many other producers can convert light energy into another kind of energy-chemical energy. This process is called photosynthesis

Plantlike protists that convert the sun's energy into food through photosynthesis are called?


Plants and algae that convert sunlight to food energy are called?

Tertiary consumers

Green plants use what kind of energy during photosynthesis?

The Green plants convert solar energy into chemical energy and with the help of cholorophyll they produse their food.