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It helps with plant growth and the green color you see. Be careful in its use as too much of a good thing will burn (kill) your plants. Different plants respond differently to nitrogen fertilizer.
For example, the corn you see growing in the countryside in the summer months loves the stuff. Soybeans don't respond like corn does to a direct application. They (soybean plants) have nodules on the roots of the plants that convert nitrogen from the air we breathe into a useful form, as well as leaving this residue behind for say example next years corn crop on this same land.
Soybeans and legume type plants prefer residual fertilizer over a direct application. Too much nitrogen can cause a lot of quick plant growth on some plants and result in poor fruit and or seed production because of this.
The pretty green lawns you see in your neighborhoods were probably treated with a mostly nitrogen fertilizer to get the grass to grow more uniform and pretty green. Hope this helps you understand a little.
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Q: What does nitrogen do to plant materials?
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The nitrogen goes into the nodules of the plant.

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The nitrogen goes into the nodules of the plant.

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No, it is not a nitrogen fixer.

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What does it meant that nitrogen burns a plant?

Nitrogen plant burns are caused when to much fertilizer (or fertilizer with a high concentration of Nitrogen) is added to a plant. If the concentration of Nitrogen (or Nitrogen compounds such as ammonia) is to high it causes the soil to become highly acidic in the area where it was applied, the high acidity damages (or kills) the roots of the plant retarding or preventing the uptake of water or nutrients by the plant.

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