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Its the "Control Center" of the cell. Inside the nucleus is DNA and RNA.


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Q: What does nucleus mean in plants and animals?
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Do all animals have a nucleus?

yes all animals have a nucleus, including plants

Do animals and plants cells have nucleus?

yes they do

Which organism has a nucleus?

Animals and plants r two.

Where is the nucleus found in both plant and animal?

the nucleus is found in the cells of both plants and animals.

Cells with a nucleus and organelles found in plants and animals?

Yes , animal and plant cells have nucleus and organelles .

Is nucleus in both animals and plants?

it is in both animal and plant cells.

What is the location of cell nucleus?

in animals nucleus found in centre but in plants because of the large vacuoles nucleus touch the cell membrane

Do animals have a nuclear envelope?

Yes, all animals and plants have a nucleus with a nuclear membrane around it.

In plants and animals cells the control center of the cell is the?

the answer to the question is nucleus

What kingdom does not have nucleus in its cells?

The thing is Eukaryotes don't have a nucleus, but prokaryotes do. So if Archaebacteria and Eubacteria are prokaryotes, and Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animals are Eukaryotes, than that means Archaebacteria and Eubacteria have a nucleus and Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animals don't have a nucleus.

What is the control of the cell?

The Nucleus is the boss of the cells inside the bodies of Plants and Animals.

You are a single-celled organism you do not have nucleus you cause diseases in plants and animals What are you?

a bacterium