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In addition to the above answer, it also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. It can also have a detrimental effect on the joints.

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15y ago

Yes, obesity can lead to Heart disease.

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Q: What does obesity lead to?
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Where does obesity lead to?

What leads to obesity

What will excessive calorie intake lead to?


Why is obesity a problem?

It can lead to disaproval and health issues.

What can eating too much fat lead to?


How many numbers of diseases do obesity causes?

Thyroid disease can lead to obesity and also obesity can lead to Thyroid disease. (low thyroid) And ofcourse there is diabetes; which is the same way thyroid disease is. Diabetes can lead to obesity or vice versa. As far as the number of illnesses that come from obesity the most dangerous would be heart disease. Osteoarthritis can become 10 times worse with obesity as can high blood pressure. There is also evidence that breast , ovarian, colon, rectal and cervical cancer can be caused from obesity.

How an unbalanced diet can cause an illness for obesity?

When You Eat took much of junk food or an unbalanced diet can lead to obesity

Can obesity lead you to have stroke?

Yes. Strokes happen when a blood clot forms in the brain. Obesity leads to high amount of fat and cholesterol flowing through the veins and arteries which can lead to buildups of plaque in them which may eventually lead to a clot.

What are the effects on obesity?

obesity can lead to sleep problems, cancer, multiple sclerosis and other disorders. - Dr. Elizabeth Mc quincy.

Does flax seed consumption increase obesity?

It is something like 40% fat but as with any food, only excess consumption will lead to obesity.

What can obesity lead up to?

Death and/or illness and in most cases lack of mobility.

How does fast food causes child obesity?

fast food has a lot of fat and if that is a daily meal then that can lead to being really unhealthy.. leading to obesity

Consuming too many simple sugars can lead to what?

It can lead to heart disease and diabetes.