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Q: What does pelvis hold in the lower part of the lower part of the body?
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What part of the body would a chiropodist treat?

The lower limbs from the pelvis down to the feet.

What body cavity Removal of an ovary?

The body cavity in which the ovaries are located is the pelvis which is the lower part of your abdomen well below the belly button

What part of the body is called the ilium?

The ilium, the ischium, and the pubis are all parts of your hip bones.

Where are loin found?

The loins are the sides between the lower ribs and pelvis, and the lower part of the back.......

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Where on your body is the lumbar located?

The "lumbar" is not actually a part of the body - it is an adjective referring to the area around the lower spine. For example, the lumbar vertebrae are a set of five bones below the diaphragm and above the pelvis.

What is the didfference between the true pelvis and the false pelvis?

The pelvis is anatomically divided in to two part upper broad part in which abdominal viscera lies form false pelvis... And lower well defined circular cavity which contains only pelvic visceras like uterua,urinary blader rectum is true pelvis

Are renal pelvis and renal calculi the same?

The renal pelvis and renal calculi are not the same. The renal pelvis is a normal part of the body. Renal calculi are kidney stones and are not normal.

What is the function of the ischium bone?

The ischium is an irregular bone located in the pelvis.

What is the renal pelvis?

its a body part that amkes uran pass through the ranel to come out

What is part of the toward the lower part of the body?

Inferior or caudal mean toward the lower part of the body.

What body system is the pelvis in?

It is located at the base of the spine (properly known as the caudal end). The pelvis incorporates the socket portion of the hip joint for each leg (in bipeds) or hind leg (in quadrupeds). It forms the lower limb (or hind-limb) girdle of the skeleton.