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Q: What does plantain cooked to perfection taste and looks like?
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What adjectives can you use to elaborate good taste of fried plantain chips?

Crunchy salty greasy

What looks like a banana but has a bitter taste until it is cooked?

Plantains. They are bigger than bananas but look the same and when cooked, they can be made as sweet mushy plantains or they can be made as tostones, which are fried and harder with salt.

What over cooked clams taste like?

They don't taste different but they have a very rubbery texture if they are over cooked.

What do crickets taste like?

They mostly taste of the oil that they are cooked in.

How do you know when poultry is cooked?

taste it.

What is a plantain leaf?

It is the leaf of a plantain plant; plantains look like bananas but are firmer and taste completely different. The leaves are used as traditional serving platters, and give off a pleasant aroma when hot food is placed on them.

What does bass taste like after it is cooked?

It taste like chicken nuggets!! sort of !! :)

What do you think about plantain chips Which flavor would you like to try and how much you would like to pay for it?

They taste good they are plantain but like fried and really crunchy and just so good

What is a vegetable that taste better cooked?

Lots of vegetables taste better cooked than the do raw. Corn, broccoli, squash, zucchini, asparagus, onions, etc.

Can old apples be cooked?

yes but it will taste bad

Why does your mac n cheese taste burned?

cooked it to long

Why do you have maggots in your oven?

Becauase they taste good when they are cooked of course!