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It means TEPT, or Trastorno por estrés postraumático.

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Q: What does post traumatic stress disorder mean in Spanish?
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What does the medical abbreviation PTSD mean?

PTSD is post-traumatic stress disorder.Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

What does shellshocked mean?

It was called battle fatigue in WW2. Today it's called Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What is PTDS?

PTSD (I assume that's what you mean) is post-traumatic stress disorder. Go to for more information.

What is the suffix of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

What do you mean? Do you know what a "sufix" (it's actually spelled "suffix") is? The word makes no sense in this context. Perhaps you mean "acronym", in which case the answer is "PTSD".

Can a person with post dramatic stress be dangerous and see evil spirits?

i think you mean "post traumatic stress disorder" and it dosent give people special powers but it can cause flashbacks of things that could be considered visions i guess

At what stage do you really understand that you have gone mad because of your narcissist abuser?

I am not sure what you mean by "gone mad". Only a qualified mental health diagnostician can determine whether someone suffers from a mental health disorder and this, following lengthy tests and personal interviews. But abuse does have traumatic and adverse effects collectively known as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

What does the prefix post usually mean?

After - as in POSTtraumatic stress disorder

What does the acronym PTSD mean in swimming?

PTSD stands for post traumatic stress disorder, usually associated with military personnel or someone that has sustained some kind of trauma or traumatic event. When it relates to water, it usually means they had a near drowning incident and have psychological issues with being around water or even the thought of it.

What do people mean when they say shell shock?

Well it means extreme shock ,trauma and stress, mainly about war, especially in World War 1. People with shellshock are usually shocked, traumatised and stressed about the war, and have flashbacks, nightmares and hallucinations about the war. In World War 2 it was called combat stress. Today it is called post traumatic stress disorder. (PTSD)

How do you get Obsessive compulsive disorder ?

You can be born with a genetic predisposition to OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). This does not necessarily mean you will have OCD but it may mean your or more likely to have it. You can become conditioned to OCD as a result of life experiences or a traumatic situation.

When was post-traumatic stress disorder first discovered?

It became an "official" diagnosis in 1980 when it was defined in the DSM, the psychiatric diagnosis manual used by mental health professionals. Before that, it was called combat neurosis, or shell shock, and was identified as a syndrome around World War I.

Does having a rough childhood cause teens to be more mature than should be?

That depends on what you mean by "rough childhood" and whether or not it generated something like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It also depends on if you mean "more mature" in a good (e.g. wiser) or bad (e.g. acting in ways totally inappropriate for their age group but appropriate for an older age group) sense.